UPA Category Endpoint

This endpoint provides data for UPA categories available for a given carrier.

The UPA Categories endpoint is tied exclusively to your Channel UID (a unique string related to your account), as well as the access allowed to that account. If your Channel UID has access to a specific set of carriers (for example, "XX", "AA" , "BB", and "CC"), then the response from the UPA Categories endpoint will include the UPA categories only for those carriers.

GET /upa_categories

Response structure

Main structure:

Attributes Type Description/Values
airlines array A list of all airlines accessible by this account. Elements conform to the "Airline structure", as seen below.

Airline structure:

Attributes Type Description/Values
id string The airline IATA code for this entry.
upa_categories array A list of all custom categories created by this airline. Elements conform to the "UPA Category structure", as seen below.

UPA Category structure:

Attributes Type Description/Values
id string The category ID as a machine-readable format that can be used in either the Hub BC endpoint or Routehappy API endpoint request structure.
name string The name of the category in human-readable format.
category_group string The category of the UPA (for example, Brand UPAs, Messaging UPAs, etc.).
type string The type of UPA. In the case where it is user-created, it will be custom. Everything else displays as standard.

Example response

	"airlines": [
			"id": "AA",
			"upa_categories": [
					"id": "cleaning",
					"name": "cleaning",
					"category_group": "messaging",
					"type": "standard"
					"id": "fare-upsell-results-page",
					"name": "Fare upsell",
					"category_group": "custom",
					"type": "custom"
			"id": "BB",
			"upa_categories": [
					"id": "children",
					"name": "Children",
					"category_group": "custom",
					"type": "custom"
					"id": "ancillary-seats",
					"name": "Ancillary: Seats",
					"category_group": "custom",
					"type": "custom"