Routehappy API

The Routehappy API provides access to all Routehappy Content types: Amenities, Universal Product Attributes (UPAs), and Universal Ticket Attributes (UTAs). This API provides two different, but equally effective, types of endpoints that provide access to Routehappy Content.


  • Routehappy API endpoint: a single endpoint that provides access to all Routehappy Content types - Amenities, UPAs, and UTAs - from a single request, with a new schema and new functionality compared with the previous Routehappy Rich Content APIs
  • Backwards Compatible endpoints: Backwards-compatible Amenities and Hub endpoints for users of the previous Routehappy Rich Content APIs. With a few minor updates to their code (i.e., changes to the authorization headers and the endpoint URL), users of the previous APIs can use the same request/response structures with the new API. These backwards-compatible endpoints are intended for users of the previous Routehappy Rich Content APIs who are not ready to migrate to the Routehappy API endpoint yet.

Enhancements and Improvements

In addition to providing two ways to access Routehappy Content, we have made significant improvements in the Routehappy API.

  • Updated Technology & Architecture - We have a completely new tech stack utilizing Rust and Go that guarantees robust performance, more stable operation, faster processing speed and better resource utilization. We’re also using a new microservice architecture for distributed cloud deployment with sophisticated scalability capabilities.
  • Improved Response Times - The speed at which data is sent and received will be dramatically improved, handling higher volumes of data faster. We will also be able to support more legs/segments per request with more concurrent transactions overall.
  • More Accurate Processing - With so many fares in the market and so many different ways to construct fares, we are building key fare identification services to maximize processing accuracy as much as possible. Requests to the new Routehappy API endpoint will be based on the full itinerary, and requests will be able to include other key pieces of information like RBD, passenger type, and even ticket designators for processing of corporate fares.
  • Routehappy API Access - All Routehappy Content will be available from one endpoint. So, in one API call, you can request Amenities, UPAs, and UTAs returned. (Applies to the Routehappy API endpoint only.)