

  • legs.leg _ fares.fare
  • legs.leg _ fares.brands

If you'd like to get the brands information for a fare, you have to include both resources: legs.leg_fares.fare and legs.leg_fares.brands

Response from legs.leg_fares.fare

Attributes Type Description/Value
attributes object Controlled by the legs.leg_fares.brands resource. When enabled, returns an object specifying additional data, which is the brand tied to the fare. Refer to the response table for legs.leg_fares.brands below.
id string The ID of the fare. Example: 1|1234567. Includes the sequence of the fare in the response and the ID of the fare separated by a pipe character |.
type string The object type, which for these responses will always "fare"

Response from legs.leg_fares.brands

Attributes Type Description/Value
brand_name string The name of the branded fare as defined by the airline
brand_code array One or many 1-10 digit alphanumeric codes indicating the branded fare name. Values may include a slash (/), dash (-), and/or period (.).