
Returns food per flight and flight cabin and whether it’s available, for a fee or free. Food is classified as snacks, light meals, and full multi-course mealsdata regarding food service (snacks/meals etc.).

// Use "amenity_categories_filter" key in request body:
  "control": {
  	"includes": [
  	  "amenity"							   // response should return amenities
    "amenity_categories_filter": [
      "fresh_food",						 // use this value for the individual amenity
      "fresh_food_summary"		 // use this value for the amenity summary
    // ...
// ...

Response parameters:

Attributes Type Description/Values
id num unique numerical identifier (e.g. 1)
display_text string up to 30-character string (English) see character limits by language (e.g. "Premium dinner provided")
quality string (Deprecated, will always return n/a)
cost string whether there is a charge for food (free, paid, n/a)
exists string food service exists on the flight in the cabin (yes, no, n/a)
type string the type of food available (snack, premium snack, light meal, meal, premium meal, n/a)
updated_at string (Deprecated, will always return blank)